Our company, Esperandza, has been present on the Romanian agricultural market since 1993, the year it has been established. The experience of these more than 30 years activity has naturally led to defining our company’s mission, which is to create durable partnerships, based on trust and respect, with all our associates, both clients and suppliers, in order to increase the quality and the profitability of the agricultural business for all the parties involved.

         We have built our entire activity around some fundamental principles that we strongly believe in, concerning the business uprightness and the upmost quality of our products and services, this being the standard that we have chosen to preserve in all our commercial relationships that we unwind.

          Therefore, on a cereals trade market which is marked by an intense competition and which is concerned, at the same time, with obtaining maximum productivity with a minimal impact over the environment, Esperandza has always met the requests of its clients by offering them permanent counselling and support, in order to increase the production in an efficient and durable way. We have taken the pledge to carry on our activity with a great deal of responsibility and integrity, thoroughly obeying, at all times, all the assumed contract terms and, also, all the food safety regulations, promoting, at the same time, the most secure and responsible agricultural practices .

          Besides the cereals trade, which represents the main division of Esperandza’s activity, our company covers the entire spectrum of commercializing agriculture inputs, and we make reference here to products such as diesel fuel, chemical and foliar fertilizers, seeds and plant health control products. These cumulative services that our company has to offer, respectively, on one hand, providing our clients with all the necessary products that they might need to establish their cultures, and, on the other hand, providing the opportunity to acquire their crops at the end of the year, are the natural result of our desire to offer our partners complete agricultural solutions and to establish profitable collaborations for both sides.

          We believe in a durable and consequent development of our company alongside with all our partners, be they customers or suppliers, this being proven by the constant economic increase of Esperandza in the last few years, so in terms of the area where we operate, as well as of marketed products and of the economic growth itself.